Here's a typed up
version of some letters from girls hoping to save Camp Westana. I will copy the originals (they are
wonderful, handwritten, and include colorful artwork) before sending them to
council. What I record here, then, is a
typed, black and white, flat version of their letters. In order to portray some of the authentic
flavor, I'll include some of the events I overheard or otherwise gleaned from
being present when pen (or marker) was put to paper (when I can). Also I'll keep the author's original
“please help us save the Westana Camp. Please because some people haven't been their
And it looks fun!
save it.” “By Jenisha 3433”. (2nd Grade) This text also includes
a drawing of a blue, white, and red flag on a pink pole.
This letter and the ones following were written by a young
troop, 1st and 2nd graders. This is their first year as a troop and they
have NEVER been to Camp Westana. Ever.
An older girl, a 9th grader, sat with them and helped them with their
spelling and showed them a slide show of some of the things her troop had done
over the past 9 years at Camp Westana.
One of the things that really caught the younger girls' attention were
the photos of the Columbia Falls Service Unit retiring three American flags at
Camp Westana.